Friday, October 17, 2008


You gotta hand it to Disney, they know how to put on a show. Not just movies, but nearly every part of the experience at the parks just works. The canned parades are just that, canned music with choreographed moves and lip-synching, but it still works because the themes come through and the actors sell it. (One of the sly foxes really surprised Lauren during a parade by running up to her pretty aggressively - but wouldn't that be something a sly fox does?) The background scenery is perfectly arranged and manicured, which is kind of amazing considering that so many people trample through the park each day without trampling the flowers. And surprisingly even though the park is packed to the gills with people the waits for the rides really isn't that bad. I think Disney manages to bring an entire extended family of 15 people in a lot of cases where only half the people go on the rides. The grandparents, infants, and parents watching the infants either can't or do not want to ride!

The only real negative thing I would say about the parks is finding a place to sit down and eat. Now if you can plan your dinner 4 months ahead of time it isn't an issue. But if you can't make your reservations that far in advance or would like some flexibility in where you go to eat then you might not be able to find anywhere to eat.
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