Friday, July 18, 2008

Then they went medieval on me

So after preparing the torture devices they sent the electricity through me. Here I am up above going through it, the fools were dumb enough to record it on video. The Hague is going to have a field day with this one. Been to the Netherlands, good Doctor?

My M.O. from the outset was to not let off that it was hurting me in any way. I dropped myself deep into my zen trance state (actually this was good practice - I don't really use this much around the house.) I thought I was driving them crazy but it turns out that they prefer their torture suspects to sleep through the first 30 minutes.

After that things went crazy. Let's just say that not only do they wake you up, but the really try to make you flip out as well. They have strobe lights they put just 10 inches in front of your face and they fire on and off. Don't Japanese kids go into seizures from video games that do the same thing? And I thought they were testing to make sure I didn't get seizures! There is video of this in the vault by I will spare everyone. I'm not too proud of it anyway because I kind of lost it a bit. Next time you're by the house ask to see "A Clockwork Julia".


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